Homeowner Insurance Claim Lawyers

Get the Homeowner’s Insurance Coverage You’ve Paid For

When your home is damaged by a disaster or your house has been broken into, you should be able to count on your insurance company to give you the benefits you deserve. If you paid for the coverage, it’s not too much to ask for the benefits of that coverage. You need a homeowner insurance claim attorney with experience and passion to get you the insurance benefits to which you are entitled.

We can help. For more than 30 years, our law firm has been making insurance companies keep their promises. Our attorneys have more than 70 combined years of insurance litigation experience fighting against wrongful denial of coverage.

Common Issues ∙ How We Can Help

We have seen all the tactics that insurance companies use to wrongfully deny homeowner insurance claims:

  • Relying on “exclusions” in the policy: Insurance companies are skilled at fitting a bad situation into certain exclusions in the fine print to avoid paying out on the claim.
  • Undervaluing the loss: After a fire or other disaster, the claims adjusters will often undervalue the loss, using excessive depreciation of your property to justify giving you only a fraction of what it will cost to rebuild your home. This is a common tactic on theft claims, as well.
  • Making unfair accusations: Sometimes the insurance company will claim that the insured is responsible for the damage or theft.

We have the experience to fight against these tactics to get you the insurance benefits you deserve. We use experts when needed to establish that you are not responsible for the loss. If the insurance company is indeed using bad faith tactics, we have a long history of successful cases where we have gotten our clients the benefits they deserved, as well as damage awards for the wrongful conduct of the insurance companies.

Free Consultation With a Home Insurance Coverage Dispute Lawyer

Many people don’t know their rights after being denied a homeowner insurance claim. We want you to know your rights and your legal options, so we offer a free consultation to policyholders.

For a free initial consultation with a lawyer fill out the contact us form below.

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